About us

Who We Are and What We Do

We are Jens and André and we are mad about gardening.

André, born in the village of Neuglobsow in the state of Brandenburg, returned to his home in 2012 after having lived in Berlin for more than 20 years.
Jens, born in Berlin, followed his love André from his hometown after having finished his master exams in History and English. Today they are married and are wholeheartedly country bumpkins.

Hobby Gardeners
Actually we started gardening as an experiment to balance the stress at work in our totally different fulltime jobs. In landscaping and plant nursering we are autodidacts. Due to courageous trial and error and a lot of investigation we have gained plenty of experience now. Yes, it is part of being a gardener to suffer a setback. Nonetheless a setback does not demotivate us. It incites us to do it better all the more.

Garden Trips to Cornwall and the Channel Islands
Since 2009 we have gathered inspiration on our trips to the gardens of Cornwall and the Channel Islands. Our longing to create a garden of our own similar to these gardens arose at that time. If you can not live where you like to, then you have to bring the place of interest to your home.
Consequently we have been on a garden journey of our own since 2014. On the plot of land which had not been made use of a lot by André's parents, we have developed a garden in the style of English cottage gardens. It is close to nature and ecological farmed and hence a vivid place which is steadily enhanced by creating new beds and sites full of shrubs and perennials in combination with a glimpse of wilderness in between.

In the Near of the Famous Lake Stechlin
and with wood land in the background our 2.300 sqm big hideaway is a mixture of a flower and a nature garden. There are countless hydrangeas and hostas and amidst them there are plenty of seatings to take a rest and enjoy artwork or to drink a cup of tea or coffee. You can have a chat with us or other guests. In addition to that you can promenade on the meandering paths and discover new plants and works of art.

Dahlias, Our Passion
More than 400 varieties bloom at our garden. In addition to that numerous seedlings blossom with their own unique florescence. Even friends of full dahlia blossoms will be delighted in our garden.
Nevertheless most of our varieties in the collection are single flowered dahlias which attract the insects with their pollen until the first frost. All in all our garden is a reliable feeder for birds, bumblebees, bees, butterflies, small mammals and insects. Against the trend more and more animals can be seen at our garden.

The Otto Varieties
Since spring 2018 our garden has been the the new home of Michael Otto's single flowered varieties and his breeder's legacy. Well-known varieties of the renowned breeder (1933-2017) as 'Saitenspiel' and 'Loki Schmidt' and not so well-known one's like 'Eisbär' can be seen in their full gorgeousness. Our top priority is the conservation of his varieties to widen his breeding work and to publicise the relatively unknown single flowered dahlias in general. 

The Garden Opens
Throughout the years the garden developed into a varicoloured and vivid place which gained interested by our neighbours. They came by curiously and tentatively and were even so thrilled that they convinced us not to keep the garden private and to open the garden.
After having dithered and been sceptical about this we decided to take part at the 'Open Gardens Oberhavel' scheme for the first time in 2018. We lively remember being excited and full of self-doubts about our work and the opinion of the visitors. To the surprise of us they loved it. 
By now the garden is visited by about 400 people each season. They come from all over Germany and the media reported about us a several times. All in all our garden has become a place of interest.

Garden Shows
The LAGA Wittstock/Dosse 2019 was our first participation at a garden show. Others are soon to come. This year we are on the BUGA 2021 in Erfurt. 20 of Mr Otto's varietes are shown in a special bed.

The Interest in Otto Varieties Increases
so that we have started a shop online for the numerous of interested persons. The garden itself is still private and generates no profit. All the revenues flow back into the funding of the garden completely.

There Is No Entrance Fee
and there will be no entrance fee. We simply enjoy when you have joy about the garden and a pleasant time at the garden. Plenty of our visitors have the desire for recognising the work and time we spend for the upkeep of the garden. Therefore we put up a box for donations at the exit. Naturally we appreciate donations for the upkeep of the garden.

From Mid-August till October
our garden is in full bloom with all the dahlias. Yet there is always a reason to visit the garden due to the diversity of species in our little paradise. Furthermore it is a total work of art with all its arranged works of art in addition to the plants. It is in constant change with no season without blossoms.

We Invite You
to explore our garden on your own and we are looking forward to getting to know you and seeing you again.
Please keep informed about the up-to-date opening times in the news area before you decide to come for the unusual case that we are not in the garden at one weekend or we have to close due to the weather forecast.

With kind regards

Jens and André
